On 8 November 2019, Lisbon held an Inter-Generational Dialogue (IGD) at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities. The IGD was held in partnership with the Instituto Portugues De Relacoes Internacionais, the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities and Estudos Polili Cos, and convened and facilitated by Alexandra Magnólia Dias, an Assistant Professor at the University NOVA DE LISBOA in their Department of Political Studies.
The IGD included conversations on multiple themes, including global security and safety, both as it affects individuals and political systems and what responses can be used to deal with the threats to both. The IGD also provided an analysis of collective action as a movement, and specifically looked at neoliberalism. Housing and the crisis of housing facing many in Lisbon – as well as Portugal more largely – was a feature of the dialogue and the speakers and audience discussed not only the issues around the housing crisis, but also what solutions exist, bearing in mind the protections provided by the Portuguese Constitution.
The panel for the IGD comprised of Pedro Cruz from The Portuguese Non-Governmental Development Organizations (NGDOs) Platform, Afonso Luis from Núcleo de Estudos de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais from NOVA, and Alberto Vaz and Ines Gomes – both students of Political Science and International Relations at NOVA.