Inter-Generational Dialogue held in Lomé, Togo

23rd October 2019

Togo IGD

On 19 October 2019, an Inter-Generational Dialogue (IGD) was held in the capital of Togo, Lomé at the University of Lomé.

The dialogue marked the tenth Global Peace IGD to be convened in Africa, since the launch of the first dialogue in Accra, Ghana earlier in May 2019. To date 14 IGDs have been held in various countries across the world.

Togo IGD

A vibrant city, rich in culture, Lomé did not fail in delivering an engaging and fruitful discussion. The panel included Dr. Aubin Kodjovi Thon, speaker, entrepreneur and consultant, Mme Reyhanath Toure Mamadou, President of ”Life Style International” and CEO of Reyhanath & Associated Cabinet, and Mr Sessi Sefiamenou, Civil Administrator, Specialist of Human Security, and President of Speed International.

The issues highlighted during the discussion centred on peace and development. The focus was mainly on economic growth and youth employment and the role of youth to the development of the Togo economy. The speakers placed emphasis on how political, religious and academic leaders must work to help citizens build a better future for Togo. This included addressing gender equality issues, with a focus on how leaders can support the empowerment of women and have the reflect their potential towards building a sustainable future for the country. Questions from the audience were mainly focused on the challenges with government and the general lack of transparency, accountability and the access of information to the public.

Togo IGD

We would like to thank the University of Lomé, Togo for its support to the IGD and trust that discussions of this nature continue among young leaders.
