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Global Peace hosts virtual honours ceremony for 350 Global Peace Citizens


Global Peace hosts Global Inter-generational Dialogue and launches the Futures Forum

We’ve delivered Global Peace in 100 cities in 100 countries

The significance of Inter-Generational Dialogues and the role of Global Peace in the COVID-19 era and beyond


Global Peace conveners meet from across the world

COVID-19 Response Fund

GLOBAL PEACE and ACCORD call to solidarity

Cyril Ramaphosa Plant Trees Not Bombs Campaign

South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa, plants tree on National Armed Forces Day in support of the Plant Trees, Not Bombs Campaign

UN75 Inaugural Youth Dialogue launch event held in New York with UN Secretary General

Vasu Gounden Nigam Paudel

Global Peace Founder meets with President of Team NEPO

Nepal IGD

First Inter-Generational Dialogue (IGD) for 2020 held in Pokhara, Nepal

Global Peace new years message

Global Peace New Years message from 1500m above Lake Pokhara in Nepal

Morocco Youth Summit

Global Peace represented at the Africa Student’s and Youth Summit in Morocco


UN Climate Change Conference, COP25, has kicked-off in Madrid, Spain

Four global young leaders and six Mayors engage in a Global Inter-Generational Dialogue

Plant Trees Not Bombs

“Plant Trees Not Bombs” Campaign launched

Global Peace Declaration UN

Global Peace hands over Declaration of Intent to the United Nations

Global youth representatives

Global youth representatives join Mrs Machel and Mr Hochschild in a discussion

Delhi IGD

Inter-Generational Dialogue in Delhi, India

Lisbon IGD

Inter-Generational Dialogue in Lisbon, Portugal